Our Philosophy of Care

'People first' is the value base shared by everyone at Milverton.

We aim to maximise the quality of life of every resident by sensitively recognising their individual needs and aspirations.

Our emphasis is on well-being and individualised programmes of care.We are sensitive to the diverse cultural, religious and dietary needs of the multicultural society in which we live.

Honouring privacy

Valuing dignity

Encouraging independence​

Guaranteeing rights​

Striving for fulfilment​

Ensuring choice

Our Treatments

We have a friendly, professional, and well established team that offers exceptional care and support. Our team is made up of nurses and qualified carers. The care provided is prescribed by our residents’ specialists and their family doctors.

GP Visits

Bi-weekly on -site visitors from our local GP surgery with further consultation with family when required.

Mental Health Specialist

Regular reviews and collaboration with local Mental Health Assessors.


Residents are registered with the local dentist on admission and are seen onsite on a quarterly basis and as when required.

Speech and language

Each resident is assessed and offered support with communication, eating and swallowing issues, as appropriate.


Balance meals are on offer and reviewed by the local dietician to create and develop suitable eating plan.


Residents are registered with the local optometrists on admission and are seen onsite for quarterly review as and when required.


Local physiotherapy to assess residents and create advance mobility care plan.


Local chiropodist to treat residents every 6 weeks.